TAKE NOTE: Celebrate the Launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign
Huntingdon College supports the educational goals of our men and women in uniform. We offer support and counseling services to help veterans, active duty Service members, spouses, and dependents successfully receive military benefits.
Resources for Military Students or Military Dependents
*GI Bill® at Huntingdon College
The Department of Veterans Affairs will make the final determination of eligibility based on official service records, evidence submitted by the student, and all applicable veterans’ laws.
*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To contact the VA, call 1-888-442-4551 or go to www.gibill.va.gov.
Getting Started
Once you know which benefit you will be using, you are ready to enroll in school. Print out the corresponding paperwork that applies to you. Keep copies of everything for your own records.
Next Steps
- Apply to Huntingdon College.
- Submit final transcripts for evaluation.
- Submit your Certificate of Eligibility to Huntingdon’s School Certifying Official (SCO).
- Submit Huntingdon College’s Institutional Veteran Certification Information Sheet [pdf].
- Complete registration for classes upon acceptance to Huntingdon College. We cannot certify your enrollment until you are actually enrolled.
- Students receiving VA benefits from Chapters 30, 1607, and 1606 are required to verify your attendance on the last day of each month by calling (877) 823-2378 or be going to WAVE (our recommendation).
Contact your SCO of any possible major or schedule changes to determine how these changes will affect your VA benefits.
Veteran Shopping Sheet
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA education benefits. To ensure compliance with the law, we have developed the Shopping Sheet Information (pdf) for VA benefit recipients. You must review and obtain a copy for your records.
Military Tuition Assistance
- Tuition Assistance Program Overview
- ArmyIgnitEd (for Active Duty Army, Army Reservists, and Active Guard Reserve students)
- Other branches of Service should contact their Education Service Office
- ANGEAP – Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program (not available on-line, contact financial aid)
- ROTC Huntingdon College has a cross-enrollment agreement Alabama State University. ROTC students can attend Huntingdon College and enroll in ROTC classes on their campus.
- AL GI Dependent’s Scholarship (State VA Program) – ALABAMA G.I. DEPENDENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs
Certificate of Eligibility
Please note: If you have never received educational VA benefits, you will need to apply for them, which can be done online by following these instructions. You can also submit a copy of your ebenefits showing updated chapter/months available for certification until your certificate of eligibility is received. Huntingdon College must receive a copy of your official certificate of eligibility for our records. The Online Comparison Tool will inform you about the education programs and the benefits you can receive from Huntingdon College.
- View a list of education and training programs.
- Manage your Veterans Benefits: http://www.va.gov/education or at the Ebenefits link above.
Important Contacts
Meggie Bridges – School Certifying Official (SCO)
Phone Number: (334) 833-4409
Email: officeofthepresident@hawks.rpybbk.com